понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

The ideology of the catalog

The problem of any classification is that it is more than (that is, the better it reflects the diversity of the classified material), the harder it is to understand it to the user. Since it turns into a tree with many branches so that the guess which one you want the user to hang the originator "leaf" is almost impossible. Because of the increasing number of headings in the catalog increases the number of borderline cases, when the "leaf", such as can be attributed to one branch, and on another, and in some respects and in the third.
Yandex directory - the first attempt to deal with this problem. His case is made as simple as a tree. At the first level it only fourteen themes, and the number of levels in depth does not exceed six. But apart from those in the catalog has a number of additional features (facets) in order to clarify the nature of the resources that the user wants to see in thematic categories. These non-thematic features characterize the resources in the region, economic sector, the degree of reliability (source) of information, its potential audience (recipient of information), genre (fiction, scientific and technical literature, etc.), goals (supply of goods and services online -representation), etc.
Using these features, in each subject, we have created a group of resources to meet the basic types of information needs of our customers. These sites with offers of goods and services, encyclopedias, tips, forums. Thus, each subject theme ("House," "Education", "Business", etc.) the user can select and view a resource group, as accurately as possible consistent with its interests.
Sites are located in the following categories in descending order of their thematic index of citing (TIC). Our thematic index considers the number of links to your site from other sites, giving those links a different "weight" (ie value) depending on the credibility of the referring site and the proximity of his subjects.
The concept of the Catalog and the principles of classification developed by experts at Yandex.

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