понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

In Google will continue the elimination of secondary services.

In Google will continue the elimination of secondary services. Today, the list includes Needlebase, Social Graph API, Google Message Continuity and Urchin. In addition, decided the fate of such products, like Google Sky Map and Picnik.
Not all services are shut down - part of join, some moved to a status of Open Source. Of those whose fate is already decided, you can select Google Message Continuity (GMC). It was opened in late 2010, giving businesses that use servers Microsoft Exchange, the ability to store e-mail in the cloud Google. This innovation was appreciated by hundreds of companies, but compared with the popularity of other similar service Google Apps, this is mere crumbs, so that the web giant has decided to concentrate efforts on the development of the latter, and not wasted on the support of several similar products.
Online photo editor Picnik gets a new life together with the integration into Web Albums Picasa. All users have the ability to import pictures and photos in Google +. Those who bought the paid version, promising to return the money back.
This is only a small part of the planned changes. As reported by the official representatives of Google, these actions are aimed primarily at the more intensive development of future services. Those that are no longer relevant, or undergo reorganization eliminated. Note that the mass closure of unpopular or obsolete services began when the chief executive officer of the company entrusted with Larry Page, who is one of the founders of Google.

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