In January of this year, was signed into law the copyright of ASTA. Throughout Europe are protests, but it's not who cares. Briefly about the main point:1 - for downloading the song or movie in the country signed could face a fine or imprisonment Türmen for up to 5 years.2 - on the border will inspect all devices (CellPhones, mp3 players, laptops) for not licensing content. Find at least one song that would be fine.
I hope that Russia would not sign the document.
More on this topic for December:December 3 was released the final version of the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) - the international agreement proposed to strengthen the fight against copyright violations. According to statements by representatives of the EU, before the final signature is a few weeks.
December 3 was released the final version of the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) - the international agreement proposed to strengthen the fight against copyright violations. According to statements by representatives of the EU, before the final signature is a few weeks.The initiators of the agreement made by the United States, European Union, Japan, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore and Morocco, but according to official reports, it is expected that the agreement also will join Brazil, Russia and China.
Among other things, the agreement provides:
* Mutual recognition of patents, all participating countries
* Control over the movement of counterfeit materials at the border, a search of personal belongings for the presence of copyright violations
* Responsibility for hosting providers and the transfer of traffic containing infringing materials
* Providers will be required to disclose the owners of the copyright information of its subscribers on demand
* A ban anyone, including free, software that can be used to view material protected by DRM or remedies to overcome, even if it can be used for other purposes. A ban on marketing and hosting the projects.
* A permit to conduct searches to find infringing material even in cases where there are no grounds for suspicion
* The introduction of criminal liability for breach of copyright in those countries where such liability is not
* The introduction of criminal liability for their assistance and aiding and abetting the violation of intellectual property rights
* The introduction of the responsibility for overcoming DRM or software development, which can be used to overcome the DRM and other technical means of protection, even if it can be used for other purposes
* To institute criminal proceedings for breach of copyright should not be necessary declaration or consent of the owner of intellectual property rights. The competent authorities should start these things on their own initiative
* The seizure and liquidation without delay of any items with fake trademarks without compensation to the owner. Removal of trademarks is not sufficient to return the goods to the owner or the sale of goods in another way
* The seizure and liquidation without delay of any materials and equipment, the main use of which - the production of goods that violate intellectual property law
* Each participating country is obliged to promote the importance of intellectual property protection among the public, including in educational institutions.
In addition, the Steering Committee will have the right to issue a supplement to ACTA, developed with the participation of content producers who will have the force of law, but would not require ratification by member countries and will not go through due diligence.
The development agreement was conducted for several years in a strict secret, even the representatives of the European Parliament failed to get the draft agreement before the adoption of the final version. Requests for public organizations to publish drafts of agreements have been rejected with reference to considerations of privacy and national security of the U.S., although some leakage of information were posted on Wikileaks.
At the same time, the development was closely involved organizations for the protection of copyright, such as the RIAA, IIPA, BSA, MPAA and MPA. In addition, the preliminary text of the agreement was also available a number of private companies such as Sony Pictures, Time Warner and Verizon on an agreement on confidentiality.
I hope that Russia would not sign the document.
More on this topic for December:December 3 was released the final version of the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) - the international agreement proposed to strengthen the fight against copyright violations. According to statements by representatives of the EU, before the final signature is a few weeks.
December 3 was released the final version of the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) - the international agreement proposed to strengthen the fight against copyright violations. According to statements by representatives of the EU, before the final signature is a few weeks.The initiators of the agreement made by the United States, European Union, Japan, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore and Morocco, but according to official reports, it is expected that the agreement also will join Brazil, Russia and China.
Among other things, the agreement provides:
* Mutual recognition of patents, all participating countries
* Control over the movement of counterfeit materials at the border, a search of personal belongings for the presence of copyright violations
* Responsibility for hosting providers and the transfer of traffic containing infringing materials
* Providers will be required to disclose the owners of the copyright information of its subscribers on demand
* A ban anyone, including free, software that can be used to view material protected by DRM or remedies to overcome, even if it can be used for other purposes. A ban on marketing and hosting the projects.
* A permit to conduct searches to find infringing material even in cases where there are no grounds for suspicion
* The introduction of criminal liability for breach of copyright in those countries where such liability is not
* The introduction of criminal liability for their assistance and aiding and abetting the violation of intellectual property rights
* The introduction of the responsibility for overcoming DRM or software development, which can be used to overcome the DRM and other technical means of protection, even if it can be used for other purposes
* To institute criminal proceedings for breach of copyright should not be necessary declaration or consent of the owner of intellectual property rights. The competent authorities should start these things on their own initiative
* The seizure and liquidation without delay of any items with fake trademarks without compensation to the owner. Removal of trademarks is not sufficient to return the goods to the owner or the sale of goods in another way
* The seizure and liquidation without delay of any materials and equipment, the main use of which - the production of goods that violate intellectual property law
* Each participating country is obliged to promote the importance of intellectual property protection among the public, including in educational institutions.
In addition, the Steering Committee will have the right to issue a supplement to ACTA, developed with the participation of content producers who will have the force of law, but would not require ratification by member countries and will not go through due diligence.
The development agreement was conducted for several years in a strict secret, even the representatives of the European Parliament failed to get the draft agreement before the adoption of the final version. Requests for public organizations to publish drafts of agreements have been rejected with reference to considerations of privacy and national security of the U.S., although some leakage of information were posted on Wikileaks.
At the same time, the development was closely involved organizations for the protection of copyright, such as the RIAA, IIPA, BSA, MPAA and MPA. In addition, the preliminary text of the agreement was also available a number of private companies such as Sony Pictures, Time Warner and Verizon on an agreement on confidentiality.