воскресенье, 22 января 2012 г.

External SEO optimization websites and blogs.

By creating a website, most newcomers to hear that "references are ruling the world", trying hard to increase the reference weight of their offspring. The matter is certainly a good and proper, but need the right approach to really feel and arrangement, which is often not enough for beginners. I myself have a "distant and hairy" by creating your first website, which of course turned out lumpy (and solid), and found a couple of "good" tips for SEO optimization and promotion (by running through catalogs and social bookmarks), with a grimace and Stakhanovite zeal gallows , at an accelerated pace, for one - two weeks, pounded his "monster" under the ban and Yandex pessimizatsiyu google (which of course also not immediately realized.) On understanding the causes of zabanivaniya - I have left more than one month. So, breaking the "riches" - was in the dirt, but rather: just below the navel, on the other side. fellow

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